Wednesday 29 February 2012

Batman 009

El pintado de los pesos para el funcionamiento del rig esta finalizado; salvo las manos, a las que necesito prestar mas atencion la proxima vez, todo el modelo se deforma bastante bien.
The weight painting is finished; less the hands, which I need to pay more attention next time, the whole model deforms pretty well.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Batman 008

El rig finalmente acabado, incluido controles FK e IK para los brazos.
Finally the finished rig, this includes FK and IK controls for the arms.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Batman 007

La mitad del rig, falta todo el trabajo de los brazos y manos.
Half of the rig, it's still missing all the work for the arms and the hands.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Batman 006

El rig en la pierna tiene el obvio problema de la pierna, facilmente observable en la vista lateral. Voy a tomar el riesgo de acabar el rig manteniendo el modelo en esa posicion extrema y si no funciona modificare el modelo
The rig has an obvious problem  on the leg, easy to spot in the lateral view. I'm going to finish the rig keeping the model on that extreme pose, and if it doesn't work properly I will modify the model.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Bloke Doom 006

La Animacion, final, directo a mi showreel.
The finanl Animation, directly to my showreel.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Batman 005

El nuevo modelo final. Pensaba solo acabar el modelo, pero ahora quiero animarlo tambien; asi que a continuacion el rig.
The new final model. I was thinking to model it only, but now I also want to Animate it; so next  is the rig.

Tambien cambie la capa.
I also changed the cape.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Bloke Doom 005

La segunda parte de la sincronizacion de voz.
The second part of the lip-sync.

En esta etapa ya se puede ver algo de actuacion en el rostro.
At this stage a little acting in the face can be seen.

The pre-rigged character is Bloke 2.8.0 ( by Jason Baskin).

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Batman 004

El modelo final no me gusta mucho, principalmente las proporciones;, asi que voy a modificarlas,  esperando que el modelo aun mantenga algo del estilo 'Animated'. 
I don't like the final model that much, mainly the proportions, that way I'm going to change them, I hope the model will still keep the 'Animated' style.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Bloke Doom 004

La primera parte de la sincronizacion de voz.
The first part of the lip-sync.

Vista de la camara del rostro, aun sin ninguna expresion facial.
View from the face camera, still without any facial expression.

The pre-rigged character is Bloke 2.8.0 ( by Jason Baskin).

Saturday 11 February 2012

Batman 003

Modelado de la cabeza y las orejas.
Modelling the head and the ears.

Friday 10 February 2012

Bloke Doom 003

Follow through, overlapping, peso y secondary action finalmente acabados.
Follow through, overlapping, weight and secondary action are finished.

The pre-rigged character is Bloke 2.8.0 ( by Jason Baskin).


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Batman 002

Por fin acabe el brazo, la mano y el 'guante de Batman.
Finally a finished the arm, the hand and the 'glove'.

Bloke Doom 002

Comencé a animar con el sonido.
I started to animate with the sound.




The pre-rigged character is Bloke 2.8.0 ( by Jason Baskin).

Monday 6 February 2012

Bloke Doom 001

Parte final del tutorial de George Maestri, una pequeña Animación. Etapa inicial: las 6 poses principales.
Final part of George Maestri's tutorial, a small Animation. First stage: the 6 main poses.


The pre-rigged character is Bloke 2.8.0 ( by Jason Baskin).


Sunday 5 February 2012

Batman 001

Un viejo proyecto que comence y ahora me propongo acabar, modelar al Caballero Obscuro en version 'Animated'.
An old project I started and now I intend to  finish, modelling the Dark Knight 'Animated' version.

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