Saturday 22 October 2011

Showreel 2011

Mi Showreel 2011.
My Showreel 2011.

Friday 14 October 2011

Facial Animation 003

Consonants' lip-sync, Groggy's facial rig is really very difficult to manage, good practice overall though, even when the result is not brilliant.


The character is Groggy Rig 1.0.0 (by Zubuyer Kaolin).




Tuesday 11 October 2011

Facial Animation 002

Vowel's lip-sync, it's not bad, but Groggy's facial rig is very difficult to manage, anyway next will be the consonants.

The character is Groggy Rig 1.0.0 (by Zubuyer Kaolin).




Sunday 9 October 2011

Facial Animation 001

Some exercises on blinks and how to use them to give more life to a character, and reinforce the movement.

Basic blink:

I found a very good article about blinks by Carlos Baena from where I got this particular tip that I really liked. I changed it a little, but I like the idea of the eyes blinking at different times.
"As for ideas on how to animate a blink, this is something that I've used a lot which I learned from another animator here - I offset the blinks but the actual closure of the eyes occurs on the same frame. This allows for the organic offset without the cartoony (but cool, of course!) eyeblinks that Pixar, for example, often uses.
Basically it works like this:
Frame 10: both eyes are open
Frame 11: Left eye begins to close
Frame 12: Right eye begins to close
Frame 13: BOTH eyes are completely closed
Frame 15: Left eye completely open
Frame 16: Right eye completely open"

Blink and Eye Movement: 

Blink and Head Movement: 

The character is Groggy Rig 1.0.0 (by Zubuyer Kaolin).

Thursday 6 October 2011

Run cycle

The last cycle for the moment, now I will move to a little more of acting...
Not completely happy with Bloke's head on this one. Once rendered it looks odd.

Bloke 2.8.0 ( by Jason Baskin).

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Walk cycle/Double bounce

Basic walk cycle, the basis to develop others with more character, like the double-bounce:

Double-bounce, I made this following the Richard Williams' example from TASK, it looks quite funny:

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Quick Pose to Pose

A quick pose to pose Animation exercise. Basically they're 4 key poses and 1 breakdown. Some overlap also, not sure what to do with the right arm thought...

Pose 01:

Pose 02:

Pose 03:


The pre-rigged character is Bloke 2.8.0 ( by Jason Baskin).

Monday 3 October 2011

Balance/weight Animation

This is an Animation exercise to stay on shape until some job comes. Just a quick balance/weight exercise; I used the George Maestri's tutorial as reference by the way.

The pre-rigged character I'm using is Bloke 2.8.0 ( by Jason Baskin).

Monday 26 September 2011

Orc walk cycle

Another walk cycle exercise. This time a heavier character, kind of an orc, I used Dee for Maya again.

Monday 29 August 2011

Female walk cycle

Sexy walk Animation exercise. I started it long time ago (good memories with Mehnaz and Will), so it was about time to finish it.

The pre-rigged character I used is Dee for Maya ( by Vitor Hugo).

Friday 19 August 2011

Dragons: How did the fly?

This is the 'hand-in' version of my Masters Project (need to finish the sound) at NCCA - Bournemouth University. I completed it using Softimage.

Dragones: ¿Cómo volaban? Esta es la 'versión de entrega' de mi proyecto de maestría en BU. Utilicé Softimage para completar el corto.

Friday 20 May 2011


This is Yanahuara, the character of my Masters Project Animation at NCCA - Bournemouth University.
Este es Yanahuara, el personaje de mi proyecto de Maestria en BU.

Colour scheme:
Paleta de color:

Skeleton study:
Estudio del esqueleto:

Model Sheet:
Hoja modelo de personaje:

Yanahuara's final design without colour:
Diseno final de Yanahuara sin color:

This was the process of creating Yanahuara.
Este fue el proceso de creacion de Yanahuara.

Friday 4 March 2011

Delirium Tremens

This Animated short was developed as a group project. I had the chance to animate some of the shots, as well as to model and rig some of the secondary characters. Overall it was a fun and very educational period working with the 10 Monkeys. To check part of the project click here.

Esta Animacion fue desarrollada como un Proyecto en Grupo. Tuve la oportunidad de animar alguno de los shots, como asi tambien riguear y modelar alguno de los personajes secundarios. En sintesis, trabajar con los 10 Monkeys fue un periodo muy divertido e instructivo. Para revisar parte del proyecto haz clic aqui.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Delirium Tremens: Development

'Delirium Tremens' was a group project (10 Monkeys), where I had the chance to animate, to model and to rig. To watch the final Animation click here.

'Delirium Tremens' fue desarrollado como un proyecto en grupo, donde tuve la oportunidad de animar, riguear y modelar. Para ver la Animacion final haz clic aqui.

The final look:
El look final:

My Models: I took over some of the background characters, and I had some 'artistic' freedom to model them.

Mis Modelos: Me responsabilice por alguno de los personajes secundarios, y tuve algunas libertades artisticas para modelarlos.

The Elephant:

El Elefante:




The Jellyfish: For the Jellyfish there was no rig, it was animated with a deformer along a curve and exported as a model.

La Medusa: Esta no tuvo rig, se animo con un deformer a lo largo de una curva y exportada como un modelo.

The Bird:

El Pajaro:



The Elephant: The complexity in the Elephant rigging grew due to the fact that its role started becoming more and more important during the project.

El Elefante: La complejidad del rig en el Elefante crecio debido a que su rol cobro mas y mas importancia a lo largo del proyecto.

The Bird:

El Pajaro:

UNWRAP: I also unwrap all my characters ready for texturing.

MAPEADO: Ademas deje mis personajes listos para ser texturados.

ANIMATION: Some Animation tests.

ANIMACION: Algunos test de las Animaciones.

My main task during the project was to be in charge of the last part of the Animation, simple sequences more according to my actual Animation skills.

Mi rol principal durante este proyecto fue hacerme cargo de la ultima parte de la Animacion, secuencias sencillas muy acorde a mis habilidades como Animador. 

Saturday 1 January 2011

Una Mano / A Hand

Comis for Hidra No.1.

Historia corta para la revista 'Hidra', trabaje la trama junto a mi hermano Claudio y obviamente copiamos el estilo 'Animated' de Bruce Timm.
Short story for 'Hidra' Comic book, I worked the plot with my brother Claudio and obviously we used Bruce Timm's 'Animated' style.

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